Rational Explanation to Follow..........
Strange, Ma pig seems to have opened the field gate and gained access to her piglets' supper.
Careless me I think, must shut it more carefully in future. The future duly arrives.
I go to close the gate, clang! It closes not. I look at it, I look again, I begin to feel quite queasy. The gate, large, metal, reasonably heavy, will not click shut because it is on UPSIDE DOWN! The planet lurches in its orbit! I'm losing my mind!
How in the name of Greek Gods has this occurred? No damage, no visitors, no vandalism!
There must be a rational explanation, but for the life of me I cannot even begin to postulate one.
My kind neighbour helps me to reverse the unhappy gate's position and I go to bed carefully locking the front door against ghosties, goblins and things that go bump in the night!
I do not have a quiet night!