Chickens or Swallows... the choice.
Spring is finally tottering towards us, the swallows will soon be back.
This means I cannot shut the top half of the stable door, at present the winter quarters of the chickens.
If I leave it open all night then, in short order my hens will be joyfully removed by the vixen who trots through the garden every night at exactly 7.20pm.
I baulk at the idea of hauling the henhouse back to the run so invest in a new one and it is duly installed, with a ladder at the same height as last year.
The chickens are now truly feral in daylight hours, roaming the garden at will, eating my crocus and scratching in the flowerbeds.They are particularly fond of the warm space under the solar panels. Chicken Heaven.
They do not take kindly to the restriction imposed by the hen run. They sulk. Egg production drops.
I decide to compromise, if they are good little hens and go back to the run come dusk, and put themselves to bed they can have the front garden to play in all day. After all, what are a few demolished pansies between friends?
Does this work. No it does not. Hen number four, also called the Lone Ranger due to her tendency to explore, get lost, panic and freak out, decides that she will not, yea cannot, climb the ladder.
Its too high she shrieks every morning as I let her out and she flings herself off the ladder in despair, vainly flapping her ridiculously small wings as she tries to slow her descent.
Perhaps I will let natural selection take its course and spread a little happiness amongst some fox cubs!
Perhaps I will let natural selection take its course and spread a little happiness amongst some fox cubs!