Monday, September 08, 2008

Its all reletive

Hurrah! The new flood defences around my garden and paddock have worked. Rain aplenty fell last Saturday but it all stayed in it's appointed place. Or so I thought.
At the height of the deluge, on phoning my neighbour with a joyeous "So far so good" I was stunned to be told that a 5 inch deep torrent was pouring past their front door.
The water was not even reaching the ditch but weaselling through the bank upstream and pouring over their orchard.

I am beginning to go off this weather.

The site for the marquee, to be erected in a mere 8 days, is under water. My lovingly tended flowers have succumbed and are lying down, ground water has lifted the biodisc (which deals with my sewage) and the angle of flow is diminished to 0.
However I do not care as my grandson has arrived safely and that puts all else in the shade.


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