Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Buck up Noah, your time has come!

Duchess and Blossom do not like the wind and the rain. They like getting their trotters wet even less, and as for getting their thick curly coats soaked, forget it.
Yesterday, a day of unmitigated wetness, wind and general misery, they lay in their ark snoring, rousing occasionally to take a peek at the weather,they then made the joint decision not to get up. Very reminiscent of a typical teenager on a Saturday morning. Eventually being very clean little pigs they had to leave the warm sanctuary of their straw bed and attend to their toilet, after which, a quick scan of the field for anything extra to eat and back to bed.
Faith and Hope have indicated that normal egg laying service will not be resumed until their little feet can be dry all day.
They peer out of their house, scoot down the ladder, land with a splash in the sodden run and begin to look depressed as soon as they have scoured the grass for hapless drowned earthworms.
Me, well I just carry out the normal routine, bucket under the drips coming down the chimney, curtains pulled away from the dampening walls, leaves removed from drains, sandbags against stables checked, 56lb weight carefully placed on the leaf filter lid,- I most definitely do not want a repeat of that being pushed off by water pressure.
All is normal, all is well.


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