Friday, February 09, 2007

What global warming?

Its still snowing, very quiet, it hasn't melted overnight and more is falling. A pheasant, a fieldfare a robin , two blackbirds and some bramblings are scuffling for food under the apple tree. The bluetits are competing with a woodpecker for possession of the peanut holder.
The dogs have wisely retreated to the circle of warmth round the AGA.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Basking in Sunshine - a Saga

Balancing on the bathroom scales to weigh the luggage was worth it.
Crawling out of bed at 3.15am was worth it. The journey to the airport was worth it.
Struggling to load the luggage onto the rack, whilst giggling at a notice that Health and Safety prevented the driver assisting the enfeebled to put their luggage on the bus, was worth it.
Taking off into the teeth of a gale, nearly on time, and then being told we were diverting to Tenerife to take on more fuel was definitely worth it.
Running out of aviation fuel at 34000 feet over the Atlantic did not seem a desirable option, although to hear the moans from some passengers one could not help but wish that they had done so on a previous occasion.
Even being ushered, on finally arriving in Barbados into an inauspicious cattle shed, reminiscent of the holding area of an abbatoir was worth it.
The eleven hour flight melted into the past as we boarded the ship and were enfolded in the decadent luxury of our home for a fortnight.

We sailed that night, already beginning to feel pampered beyond all decency as we unpacked, discovered "Molton Brown" body wash in the cabins, booked our pedicures, manicures, massages etc and discovered the numerous places where it was possible to eat and drink for 24 hours out of 24.
Granted that the roar of the 'flush' from the loo startled us slightly until we acclimatised, but blissfully funny when the ladies realised the men had to put the seat down to push the requisite button!

One day at sea and we ready for the first formal dinner, posh frocks to the fore we sallied forth to meet the Commodore. Middle England in full fig!

Two days at sea and we were unwound, relaxed, gaining weight and ready for action.

Tortola was gorgeously sunny and we set off on our jeep tour of the island. Our driver was clearly unsure which side of the road to drive on but compensated by stopping to pick samples of cotton, lemon grass and assorted fruits to show us.
The view of Nelson's Dockyard was fantastic but our highlight of the day was however watching a small snow white lamb, with a well developed sense of humour, briskly bouncing all over the hillside after a demented chicken.